Saturday, March 13, 2021

White House To Have Deep Cleaning Before Biden Moves In

 Normally, during a transition of power, there are certain protocols, to say nothing of traditions, you would expect to be followed, although nothing about the past year has been normal.

Now that current US President Donald Trump is leaving, to make way for President-Elect Joe Biden, The White House is preparing for the changing of the guard. Trump will be dropping off the keys and Biden will be putting down the welcome mat, on Inauguration Day in January.

But how does a defeated President leave, and the new one move in, in the time of Covid? Especially after the White House has been the site of various outbreaks, and many employees, and members of the First Family, have tested positive for coronavirus.

Therefore, during the transition period, when one administration ends and another begins, the White House will be doing something different this time: carrying out a deep cleaning.

It has been revealed, before Joe Biden takes office, the world-famous address, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC, will be thoroughly sanitised. It is believed the furniture, window treatments and bathroom fixtures, as well as the floors, doorknobs, light switches and elevator buttons, alongside other features will be disinfected.

The White House covers approximately 54,900 square feet, encompassing the East Wing, where the first lady works, and the West Wing, where the President runs the country. It is due to have a deep cleaning on the 20th of January. The very day Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.

The disinfecting job will fall to The General Services Administration, an independent agency of the US government, tasked with managing the basic, everyday functions of American federal agencies, including taking care of the White House.

They maintain their staff will use the finest cleaning products, adhering to directions from the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), to eradicate the coronavirus and prevent its spread.

It was also revealed the GSA has given approval for a cleaning country to be contracted, to provide disinfectant misting services at the White House, for the next 12 months.

Reportedly, Joe Biden and his team have imposed stringent Covid precautions and protocols which are all set to continue when he becomes President.

It marks a striking change from the outgoing administration and First family, where Donald Trump, his wife Melania, and their son Barron all contracted coronavirus. As well as many of the President’s staff, top aides, and advisers, including Mark Meadows, the White House Chief of Staff, and Kayleigh McEnany, the press secretary, among others.

The New Year will see the onset of a new era, where the US will not only herald in a new President, but a possible different approach to handling the coronavirus. Starting with a thorough deep cleaning of the White House.

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