Saturday, September 19, 2020

Why Not Go Green When Doing The Cleaning


Why Not Go Green When Doing The Cleaning

We are now well beyond spring, the time of year when people usually decide to give their house a thorough cleaning. However, in the current pandemic, many have perhaps neglected the housework as they catch up on other things or try to cope with home-schooling.

Now lockdown is easing slightly and kids are on school holidays people have more time. With a large percentage of the population who were staying at home and self-isolating, now returning to work, many may treat this as an opportunity to catch up with cleaning.

If you are planning on having a huge clean, then you need the right product for the job. In this day and age, when many are choosing to live ecologically, it is becoming more commonplace to go `green` and use environmentally friendly products when cleaning the home.

Companies developing Eco-friendly products

Many cleaning companies are recognising the rise in ecological products. They are bringing out cutting edge items, using the latest innovations and discoveries. One such firm is Cif, who have developed a unique method of reducing packaging waste. Their bathroom cleaner in a spray bottle now has an Eco refill you can use when you run out. Therefore, one bottle can last a long time, saving you buying another. This decreases your plastic use by almost four-fifths.

Eco Cleaning

Another company on the frontline of what has been called eco-cleaning is Method. It has put out an anti-bacterial, all-purpose cleaner, created from natural biodegradable ingredients. These are just a couple of examples of the many different ecological based innovations readily available on the market.

Be Green in all parts of your life

These days, going `green` and using environmental products and services has become so widespread it seemingly covers every aspect of life. Ranging from the type of car you drive to using less water, and now, how you clean your home. We have seen motorists replacing petrol or diesel cars for electrically powered ones. Now they have the opportunity to buy ecological cleaning products to use in your home this year.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Safe Cleaning with Touchpoint Cleaning System


Safe Cleaning with Touchpoint Cleaning System

The world has faced an unprecedented challenge in the past few months, touching the lives of every individual. We have had to adapt to living under lockdown. Now as restrictions are being lifted, and we slowly and surely return to business, we have taken steps to protect both our staff and cleaners in these uncertain times.

Ultra Sparkle has come up with our unique “Touchpoint” Cleaning system. A series of conscientious measures, to shield our customers and allow our cleaners to work in safety.

Preventing the spread of Covid-19

Our cleaners will inform us right away if they are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19. We are also asking prospective clients, both residential and commercial, to let us know if anyone in their household are showing even mild symptoms. By working together, we can help prevent the spread of the virus.

Please be assured that our cleaners will carry out an NHS symptom check at the start of every shift, and thoroughly wash their hands before, during and after a cleaning.

Protective clothing and altered working practises

They will wear fresh aprons, disposable gloves and shoe covers for every job, alongside masks and eye shields. Our employees will constantly change mop heads and cleaning materials and open windows when suitable, creating an open airflow.

What’s more, we will ask our customers to adjourn to another room while we work if possible, or stay two metres apart, to maintain social distancing.

Our employees have also adapted their working practices while carrying out a cleaning. They will use an Anti-viral disinfectant called Virucide, widely used for reducing or destroying viruses, as well as conventional surface cleaner.

We will sanitise surfaces in home or office

Ultra Sparkle, through our Touchpoint cleaning system, have identified the surfaces, both in the home and office, which people most commonly touch. Therefore, when carrying out a cleaning, we follow a comprehensive checklist of the areas requiring attention. This ensures they are properly sanitised, to reduce the risk of Covid-19.

Touchpoint Cleaning System

The kitchen is one of the most visited rooms in the home. People touch the sink, taps, worktops and furniture like tables and chairs. They also touch utensils, cutlery, the kettle, the toasters and the bin, alongside other items. That’s why we pay particular attention to this room.

Our cleaners will also check the furniture in the front room, such as the sofa and armchairs. It may not surprise you to learn the TV remote control is amongst the most frequently touched items in the home. How many times a day do you pick it up to change the channel or retrieve it from down the back of the sofa?

How many surfaces do you come into contact within the home? You turn on the light switch or a lamp. How about sitting at the table, opening the door, lounging around on the sofa, or taking a shower? The list is almost endless.

You should also consider how many surfaces you may touch in an average day in the workplace. From working at your desk, on a laptop, using a tablet, using a mouse, speaking on the phone, or even writing with a pen and pad, there are hundreds of day to day activities which require multi-surface contact.

You probably into contact with more areas in your home or workplace than you realise. However you can be sure that, when carrying out a commercial or residential deep cleaning, our workers will wipe them all down, finely spraying with Virucide.

Clients’ health is paramount

We are now moving into the next phase of life outside lockdown, where people may be understandably concerned about allowing a cleaner to re-enter their home or place of business.

But Ultra Sparkle’s pioneering Touchpoint cleaning system always puts our clients’ health first. We have introduced thorough working practices, to safeguard staff and customers and put your mind at ease.

You can be sure our cleaners are taking every precaution and are fully aware of our updated cleaning process. By keeping abreast of this ever-changing situation, and the latest safety measures, Ultra Sparkle brings you the most efficient cleaning service, even in these challenging times.